Brake Repair in Sacramento, CA

Your Brakes Are Everything -- A & A Auto Repair

Although all components on your vehicle are equally essential to the movement of your car, there’s none more important than your brakes to make it stop! At A & A Auto Repair in Sacramento, California, we keep the brakes in fail-safe condition. Our trusted technicians perform careful inspections, provide honest answers, and carry out efficient work when it comes to caring for, and fixing, the brakes on your car, truck, or SUV. If you become concerned about the possibility of brake trouble, call [as_phone] to schedule an appointment with our experienced and credible team. We go above and beyond, so you feel satisfied and safe without having to empty your savings. You won’t regret coming to our convenient location and working with our exceptional staff.

Be Proactive

By taking proper precautions, you'll likely avoid the need for major repairs. Upkeep is critical, so stay on top of routine maintenance and practice healthy driving habits.

  • Have your brakes flushed every few years.
  • Schedule an appointment to have the brakes inspected.
  • Pay attention to your dashboard brake light.
  • Avoid heavy braking by keeping your distance while driving in traffic and around town.
  • Coast to lower speeds when approaching stop signs and traffic lights.

It doesn't take much to extend the life of your vehicle's brakes, but sometimes unforeseen circumstances can't be avoided. It's these times you'll want to entrust your car, truck, or van to our ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified technicians. We'll take care of all repairs for any make and model, as well as inspections and brake pad replacement.

Signs of Distress

Every time you step on the brake pedal, heat and friction cause the brake pads to wear down. In time, these pads will need to be replaced, as they are the keys to slowing down your vehicle and bringing it to a complete stop. If your brake light comes on, or if you hear squealing and grinding noises when applying the brakes, bring it into A & A Auto Repair shop for a thorough inspection. Also, if the steering wheel starts shaking, or your brake pedal feels light and loose, call us immediately to schedule an appointment. Finally, if you notice a burning smell or see fluid under your vehicle, have our experts check it out. Always err on the side of caution. Often, you'll save yourself money and the inconvenience of being without a vehicle. Be proactive and have these parts looked at before any major repairs become necessary.Most importantly, we want to make sure you and your family are safe while out on the road. Our repair shop is located at 2621 El Camino Avenue, Suite B in Sacramento, California. Join the many customers who experience continuous customer satisfaction.